Rohn Falter DDS, PS Fairway Dental Care 1716 S Gold Street Centralia, WA, 98531

OK, IT’S TRUE…THE TOPIC OF “DENTAL SEALANTS” DOESN’T SOUND TOO EXCITINGbut don’t let the boring topic fool you! This simple and quick procedure is one of the easiest things we can do to help prevent cavities and tooth decay.

Dr. Falter recommends that sealants be used as preventive dental care for children. You see, children’s teeth are hard to clean properly by just brushing alone because they have small depressions and grooves. Sealants offer protection to these small depressions and grooves, which prevents plaque from forming. However, just because adults don’t have as many small grooves to cover up, they are also often good candidates for dental sealants.

Sealants are applied here at our office in just a short visit. After your teeth have been cleaned and prepped, the sealing solution is painted directly onto your tooth surfaces, and then hardened by a curing light. After the sealant is hardened we send you on your way—and there’s no need to wait to eat or drink. We typically schedule routine dental checkups to allow Dr. Falter to keep tabs on your sealants and make sure they remain in good condition.

Dental sealants can last about 10 years—making an application applied in childhood last well into adulthood. Check whether or not it’s the right time for you or your children to get dental sealants by filling out our contact form. Also, feel free to send us a message on Twitter or our Facebook page with your questions, or give us a call here at our Centralia practice at (360) 623-1350.