Rohn Falter DDS, PS Fairway Dental Care 1716 S Gold Street Centralia, WA, 98531


The healthcare debate is a hot topic in our nation today.  Dr Falter has decided to do his part to help individuals and families afford quality dental care.  Statistically speaking, more than 60% of Americans don’t have dental insurance. This means that a large majority of people in Lewis county delay dental procedures, which is not good for their dental health or their overall health, for that matter.  Dental decay as a contributing factor in many seemingly unrelated problems including employment problems, heart disease and childhood school absences.  This decay often leads to needing a dentist in an emergency.

Even here in Centralia we see people  in our practice who are in pain because a simple cavity was not caught in time.  That cavity was not caught because the patient perceived that they could not afford dental care.  By the time the pain and dental help is sought, the cost of solving the problem has escalated two or three times over what it would have been if caught a year earlier.

This bothered Dr Falter a great deal and he decided to be part of finding a solution.  The solution that Dr Falter helped develop with other dentists across the country is both simple and quite ingenious… and may prove to be a model for healthcare reform across the board.

He found that he could partner with QDP–Quality Dental Plan ( to create a system where families could get earlier preventative and less expensive dental care.

I sat down with my front office team and saw how much money was going to insurance companies, claim forms administration and collections costs.  We also calculated how many hundreds of extra dollars families were spending by not catching potential problems that we could have found during a simple annual dental exam.  When I began to run these numbers with other dentists around America… we found that we could offer our patients free initial exams, free exam x-rays, free teeth cleanings and as much as 20% off our usual fee structure simply by creating our own in-house dental savings plan.  The result was QDP… and Dr Falter is quite proud of what he and the other dentists have created.

This one simple step has allowed Dr Falter to eliminate the insurance company middle man… and those savings are going right back into the pockets of folks here locally.  Dr Falter says, “I’m really proud to be part of this forward looking cost-savings movement. This is a great system for dental care everywhere”.

Are you putting off seeing the dentist because you don’t have dental insurance? If so, Dr Falter has a saving solution for you. To learn more Click Here.